The Ministry of Good Spirit Strategy to Help Ukraine to Win the War — Q3 Results and Goals for H2
“That until that day
The dream of lasting peace
World citizenship
Rule of international morality
Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued
But never attained
Now everywhere is war”
Sang Bob Marley
Let’s face the reality. The full-scale invasion, war crimes and aggression by Russia is still going on and our friends in Ukraine are fighting not only for their own existence but for us in Finland as well. We can’t let Russia win.
The Ministry of Good Spirit has been active since the full-scale war in regards to Ukraine and you can read and see those actions from our past blogs and social media. All the past activities have been elemental for us to create more focus and impactful but now it is time to move and act. Speed is essential like my friend Jan says.
The Ministry of Good Spirit has created a strategy to help Ukraine win the war as soon as possible. The strategy is a combination of all the capabilities, experiences and assets that we have. There are many ways to go to the war and take a look how the Ministry of Good Spirit is doing it.
The strategic activities are divided in to all necessary frontiers. The wars are not only in the battle front, the wars and battles happens in the society, governement, economy, everyday life and in the culture. Therefore Ministry of Good Spirit is working on all the frontiers. Good spirit is needed everywhere.
Action 1 Creating emotional connections with music
Music is the weapon of the heart. The propaganda and cultural oppression by Russia has undermined the wonderful and great culture of Ukraine. My fellow Ukrainians have the culture and due to the current situation I’ve noticed that the redefinition of THE Ukrainian identity is going on. The songs, stories and artists of Ukraine are in the frontline to define what it is to be Ukrainian.
Music is the most direct way to translate emotions and tell what we value. We have started a project to create Ukrainian songs in Finnish. First step was to collect a series of songs that have a special meaning in Ukraine and then asked artists here in Finland to make versions of the songs that would help Finnish people to understand who are Ukrainians.
With the music we also want to show Ukraine that we are interested in their culture and remind the world that Ukrainians are not forgotten.
Q3 Results:
Songs are in production
Brand (Solovey) created
IG and Website ready
Launch in Finland at Good Spirit Festival and together with Yona fall 2024
How to participate
1 Go on and listen the songs!
2 Follow us @music.solovey in Instagram
Ministry of Good Spirit will communicate about the program trough our social media channels and all communication changing to and Solovey music social media channels.
Action 2 Teachers Are the Designers of The Nation
The education system is a critical strategic tool for any nation to succeed. Education is an investment for the future. Education in Ukraine is facing on the the greatest challenges: The physical reconstruction of schools and making education safe is a huge task. Secondly, education reform is needed to change the methods and content to match the future requirements.
MoVED by Mentoring is a project by Voice for Freedom NGO. We aim to create 10X10 connections with Finnish and Ukrainian teachers. We believe that direct dialogue, connections and real life practical examples are the most efficient way to support Ukrainian teachers in their jobs.
Teachers and their future is one the key strategies of rebuilding Ukraine. Like it was and is in Finland.
Q3 Results:
Pilot is ready and Artome products are delivered to schools in Ukraine
Call to action
1 Check our results
Moved by Mentoring project will update the achievements and status of the project in its own social media channels.
Action 3 Economical vitality is the new frontier and start ups are in the frontline
The start ups in Ukraine have faced extraordinary challenges. Not only adapting to the war, but financing the operations is extremely challenging. Obstacles are the way so the current situation is an opportunity to innovate novel ways to grow start ups.
The Ministry of Good Spirit was invited to speak and be a jury member at the IT Arena 2023. What a great event it was and YES ministry of good spirit is committed to help start ups in Ukraine to grow and find alignment towards the EU market.
- The good spirit community is now open in Ukraine. You are welcome to join. Just send me a message.
- I am happy to collaborate with Ukrainian Future, TRMNL4, Startup Wise Guys, 1991 Accelerator and in collaboration with Vesna Capital, Zas Ventures to support start ups.
H1 Results
- Corruption reflections article published
- TRMNL4 mentoring ongoing
- Project to improve pitching skills together with MySpeaker network has started.
Q3 Results:
IT ARENA Participation Done
MySpeaker program ongoing and ready by the end of Novebmer
H2 Goals.
Finish the myspeaker program
Participate to LVIV IT Arena
Call to action
Start ups: Want to join good spirit community — Good Spirit Ventures is looking forward to hear your pitch.
Corporations and Investors: Want to find next level ideas and support Ukraine with your intellectual, social and financial capital. Let’s connect.
Many ways to support and be part of the journey. Welcome.
The focus for the first half of the year for the Ministry of Good Spirit will be on Ukraine. The overall strategy (of which Ukraine is the core element) for the 2024 is to
- Finish the book of Ministry of Good Spirit — IN PRODUCTION
- Focus the energy in H2 to Ukraine — Ongoing
Secret Action 4: Direct Impact Actions
The western aide is critical for the defence but Ukraine has to build its own capabilities. Furthermore Ukrainians are now the best to innovate solutions to extreme situations.
Not related to the Ministry of Good Spirit I have started together with Jan and Oles a new company to support Ukraine to build their own capabilities.
Call to action