Breathing is everything — how about breathing fresh air from the sea
The era of the masks is mostly behind us, but Covid19 brought our attention to the importance of breathing, and stimulated plenty of research around the topic. The vast amount of research led to the creation of many new products.
Breathing is one of key fundamentals of good spirit.
Let me introduce you to one of the research outcomes: FEND, a spray for better breathing.
The creator of FEND, David A. Edwards, is a member of three national academies in the U.S. and France. He was a professor of the Practice of Bioengineering at Harvard University from 2001 to 2019.
David’s work on airway hygiene spans decades — beginning shortly after his pioneering work on inhaled insulin, to his scientific work today that explores immediate and long-term benefits to airway hydration.
FEND is the only nasal mist comprised of calcium chloride at a salt concentration similar to sea salts, and with a droplet size designed to deposit not only in your nose, but in your sinuses, and in your windpipe, too.
Once deposited, FEND salts draw water from surrounding tissue to keep your airways moist and cleaning the air for up to 6 hours.